It Only Takes One Word, The Word


-Boundless Fellowship-

-Boundless Ministry-

-Boundless Blessings-


The Believers Circle Ministries


you have just entered (Y)our virtual sanctuary!

Here is a casual, sacred meeting spot where anyone searching, ​studying, or standing on the infallible Word of God is welcomed to ​partake in the revelation and the encouragement of the Word of ​God.


In January of the year 2020, there was a ​clarion call to begin an unique thirty-day Fast ​and Prayer group; the call of the Lord was ​answered and for thirty days, there was a ​conference call introducing intentional ​praying, biblical teaching, and non-negotiable ​fasting. The Spirit of the Lord’s presence was ​invoked as there was a community release of ​worship, praise, and commitment to see what ​the Lord would do, say, and show! With God, ​all things were made possible! Dunamis-- was ​the result for the obedient and ​transformative work over those thirty ​“wilderness” days. An explosion of God’s ​visible handiwork produced Forgiveness, ​Friendship, Family, Healing, Deliverance, ​Strength, Positioning, Preparation, ​Promotion, Recognition, Unity, Vulnerability, ​and Impact.


The Lord knew exactly what He was doing! He had primed the hearts and minds of this ​selected group of people that had an experience in fasting and praying that was life-​changing! This move of God within plain sight from the informality of home, as a result ​of obedience and sacrifice, was not “church” as usual. With bodies and minds cleansed, ​with hearts flooding for more of the Lord’s word which offered guidance, repentance, ​revitalization coupled with ‘relationship’, there was a prayer that went up before the ​Lord for a broader continuance. 1 John 5:14-15 KJV reads “14 And this is the ​confidence that we have in him, that, if we ask any thing according to his will, he ​heareth us: 15 And if we know that he hear us, whatsoever we ask, we know that ​we have the petitions that we desired of him. The Lord responded to the petition.

In March 2020, a couple of weeks before a world-wide COVID-19 pandemic, The ​Believers Circle Ministries officially opened its virtual doors with an invitation to ​anyone and everyone that needed the gospel message, or a prayer request to be ​raised, or a place where one could grow and enjoy fellowship that is developed in the ​love of Jesus Christ and His believers. BCM embraces every caller/hearer with the love ​and instruction that is preached about in the Ephesians 4 message delivered to the ​Ephesus Church by the mighty Jesus-miracle conversion, apostle Paul.

Paul reminds us that our salvation presents us with a treasured gift--the life of ​Jesus Christ, the Son of God. The work on the cross was deliberate-- offering us ​an opportunity to be the church-- representative of Jesus’ worth and works. ​Understanding that there is a need for everyone that desires salvation or that is ​“saved” to grow in an environment of truth, revelation, and love, B.C.M. has ​accepted the call for kingdom-building and drawing kingdom-workers to do its ​part in the Christian fulfillment of The Great Commission (Matthew 28:16-20)!

The Believers Circle Ministries (BCM), a spirit-filled family is dedicated to ​learning, living, and loving through boundless fellowship, boundless ministry ​and experiencing boundless blessings!


Come in hungry .

Come in empty

Come in weak

Come in as you are

Relax, you are with ​God and The Believers ​Circle Ministries.

Leave out fed.

Leave out full.

Leave out strong.

Let the Lord meet you ​and minister to you.

Let’s get powered up!


To The

Meeting Room

Schedule of Events





24/7 Daily

BCM Family

Scriptures, Encouragement & Prayers

Corporate Community via SMS/MMS Platform



6:30pm ET

BCM Tele-Fellowship

  • Praise & Worship
  • Welcome
  • Prayer
  • Scripture Reading
  • Teaching
  • Praise Reports
  • Throne Room- Heavenly Prayer

Traci Powell Combest, Servant Leader/Pastor

December 2023

Financial Ministry via Virtual Platform

Traci Powell Combest, Servant Leader/Pastor

January 2024

30-Day Annual Fast- You Matter!

Traci Powell Combest, Servant Leader/Pastor

Financial Blessing

  • Giving of one’s time, talents, and financial support are a ​blessing to every ministry.
  • Giving is one of the main characteristics of the Lord that ​has served as a blessing to God’s people and Believers ​of Jesus Christ.
  • According to Scripture, Luke 6:38, a blessing of great ​magnitude overtakes the “giver”:
    • “Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, ​pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, ​shall men give into your bosom. For with the same ​measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to ​you again.”
  • Giving is a self-less act that promotes love and value for ​others.

The Body of Christ needs for all parts to work interdependently ​of one another. Your financial gift helps the ministry to bless ​other faith-based and philanthropic organizations, as well as ​be a loving and able spiritual family in the body of Christ.

Please consider investing a “seed“ in the fertile ground of The ​Believers Circle Ministries to help promote the gospel of Jesus ​Christ, which is the love of God. Every “Believer“ appreciates ​your faith affirmation in your giving, which is not in vain.

We pray blessings upon you in Jesus‘ name.



Zelle: 646-594-5940


The Word of God

In Many Ways

Revealing A Word

Leading and serving in the faith of my mighty God ​that can do exceeding abundantly above all that I ​can ask or think, allows me to indulge in the ​creativity of my Creator. At BCM, the logos is ​creatively delivered to the ears of those in need or ​in hopes of a message that refreshes their spirits.

Every week, the revealed word is the scriptural ​evidence of the Father’s plan and the Son’s ​redemptive victory to bless a people to the glory of ​the Lord.

Take A Listen!

Delivering the Word

The Word of God is for Everyone!

As we evangelize, we serve the Lord ​according to The Great Commission ​mandate.

BCM, every month, highlights the ​personal evangelism of its family ​members. BCM obeys the mandate with ​heart-pulling attestations of the GOSPEL

Ge​t A Message!

Wearing the Word

Coming Soon!

BCM-branded Apparel & Accessories

BCM...looks good on you.

You’ve got the wear the Word ​of God and capture the attention of the ​lost and the saved. Show that you are ​not afraid of the gospel of Jesus Christ!

I’​m Interested!


Contact Us

Telephone: ‪(516) 350-8299‬

Fax: (516) 774-5432

Mobile: (646) 594-5940

Physical Locality: Queens, NY

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Tele-Fellowship Worship Services

Telephonic Temple: 425-436-6354; ​ACCESS #: 554216